Meet Our Dr. Liia Summer Interns in our Laboratory

Summer 2020 has been quite exciting for Dr. Liia Skin Care and Cosmetics.

First, we moved to our new location lab at ROLLUP in Libertyville, IL. ROLLUP “provides the infrastructure and benefits of a large industrial space with the convenience, amenities, and scalability of a shared office space.” Think co-working plus lab for manufacturing! We love our new space.

Next, we brought in a team of talented and intelligent interns to our EpiLynx lab. Our interns are busy compounding, creating, and marketing EpiLynx products.


DR. Liia Skin Care and Cosmetics 2020 Summer Interns


Avani Ramachandra
EpiLynx Intern: Avani Ramachandra

Avani Ramachandra

What you do at EpiLynx: I work both as a marketing and lab intern.

Area of Interest: Data Analysis, Marketing

Currently studying: Bachelor of Science in Biomedical Engineering at Tufts University (‘21)

Skin Care Routine: For my face I use a Foaming Facial Cleanser followed by an Antioxidant Facial Moisturizer. I use Body Butter on the rest of myself since it is high in vitamins.

When I am not at Dr. Liia, you can find me: Listening to various podcasts (Wait Wait…Don’t Tell Me! By NPR and NADDPOD by HeadGum) or playing Guitar Hero


Emir Carkovic
EpiLynx Intern: Emir Carkovic

Emir Carkovic

What you do at EpiLynx: Compounding / Manufacturing of Cosmetics.

Area of Interest:  Laboratory technique improvement, product development, and marketing.

Currently studying: Candidate for Pharm.D, UIC 2023

Skin Care Routine: Currently, very minimal and limited to a light facial cleanser.

When I am not at Dr. Liia, you can find me: Catching a baseball game, or studying! Occasionally grabbing a bite and drink at a local establishment.



EpiLynx Intern: Erik Stojanoff
EpiLynx Intern: Erik Stojanoff

Erik Stojanoff

What you do at EpiLynx: I am currently a pharmacy lab intern at EpiLynx.  I am responsible for the daily tasks to keep the lab running at its highest efficiency.  This includes making all the products from the EpiLynx line and to creating a safe working environment.

Area of Interest: My areas of interest include compounding and design. 

Currently studying: Third year pharmacy student at University of Illinois at Rockford College of Pharmacy.

When I am not at Dr. Liia, you can find me: at the baseball field, enjoying the sun, and experiencing the great outdoors! 



EpiLynx Intern: Laura Long
EpiLynx Intern: Laura Long

Laura Long

What you do at EpiLynx: Data Scientist

Area of Interest: Website design, using data to tell a story

Skin Care Routine: Every morning and evening I wash my face with gentle facial soap, followed by a toner application. I then apply a retinol resurfacing serum to help with acne scars and moisturize with either a morning lotion with SPF or a night time lotion. At night, I also add benzoyl peroxide to help prevent acne breakouts!

When I am not at Dr. Liia, you can find me: building websites for nonprofits I believe in, playing Animal Crossing, snuggling with my chihuahuas.


EpiLynx Intern: Sabine Puglia
EpiLynx Intern: Sabine Puglia

Sabine Puglia

What you do at EpiLynx: Pharmacy Student Intern working on creating products in the lab as well as collaborating on our Social Media/Marketing strategy.

Area of interest: Pharmaceutical Industry, Skincare/Cosmetics

Currently studying: Pharmacy at the UIC College of Pharmacy

Skin Care Routine: I have a morning and night routine. I cleanse in the morning before applying a serum followed by a cream with SPF. At night, I use a Vitamin C serum after cleansing my skin. I wrap it up with a night cream! I’ll use a hydrating face mask every now and then!

When I am not at Dr. Liia, you can find me: FaceTiming with my family, on Twitter or Instagram, and catching up on Netflix shows with my boyfriend!

EpiLynx Intern: Saira Jatoi
EpiLynx Intern: Saira Jatoi

Saira Jatoi

What you do at EpiLynx: I am a Pharmacy Student Intern at EpiLynx. I not only work in the lab to create skincare and cosmetic products, I also am involved in Social Media/Marketing.

Area of Interest: Skincare

Currently studying: Pharmacy

Skin Care Routine: Very extensive but I will try and shorten it here…
Morning: Cleanser, Serums, Eye cream, Moisturizer, Lip Balm
Evening: Oil Cleanser, Water-based cleanser, Prescription Cream, Moisturizer, Facial Oil, Lip Balm

When I am not at Dr. Liia, you can find me: Reading, Watching movies, or taking walks with my Mom.


EpiLynx Intern: Shaan Ahuja

Shaan Ahuja

What you do at EpiLynx: I am a supply chain intern here at EpiLynx. My goal is to optimize EpiLynx’s inventory management, procurement, and manufacturing process! I’m currently developing an automated inventory tracker that updates based on orders and manufacturing. I also plan to develop a system that automatically reorders ingredients once they drop below a specified threshold.

Area of Interest: Supply Chain and Manufacturing within the healthcare industry

Currently studying: Industrial Engineering (BS) at the University of Illinois Urbana Champaign.

When I am not at Dr. Liia, you can find me: Listening to audiobooks and podcasts, exercising, and spending time with friends!


EpiLynx Intern: Yasmine Ramachandra

Yasmine Ramachandra

What you do at EpiLynx: I’m a lab intern and marketing intern.

Area of Interest: Biochemistry, Formulation

Currently studying: Masters of Science in Law Candidate at Northwestern University (‘21), Applying to Vet School

Skin Care Routine:
Face- CeraVe Foaming Facial Cleanser, Topical Steroids for Psoriasis, EpiLynx Sunrise Morning Serum, Trader Joe’s Nourish Oil-Free Antioxidant Facial Moisturizer, Thayer’s Witch Hazel Toner (at night)
Body- CeraVe Psoriasis Cleanser, Topical Steroids for Psoriasis, Cetaphil Moisturizing Lotion, Aquaphor for my tattoos

When I am not at Dr. Liia, you can find me: Cuddling with my chihuahuas, community organizing with NAPAWF, building LEGO sets with my siblings, watching horrible reality TV dating shows

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